Author Archives: coolbreeze

What Are The Different Types Of Air Conditioning Systems

Every building needs cooling during the hot summer months. Since these buildings have different designs, they require different types of air conditioning systems. The following are air conditioner types that consumers may want to consider procuring and installing.

Window Air Conditioning Units

The Different Types Of Air Conditioning Systems-Cool Breeze CS

These air conditioners are also known as unitary air conditioning systems. The system consists of a single unit that is mounted at the window.

One end of the unit transports heat from indoors to the outside, while the other blows cool air inside the house. The device is very easy to install and can be used in almost any room that has a window.

Portable Air Conditioning Units

This is a variation of the unitary AC system that does not require any mounting. As the name suggests, the portable unit can be moved from place to place depending on the cooling needs of the user. Heat from the device is dumped outside through a hose vent. Portable air conditioners are more energy efficient than any other type of air conditioning system because they only cool the room that is current being occupied, as opposed to the whole house.

Ductless Air Conditioning Units

This is one of the most popular air conditioning systems in the world. It is also known as split air conditioning. The system consists of two parts; a wall-mounted indoor unit and an exterior component. The indoor unit sucks in hot air from the room and cools it before blowing cool air back into the room. On the other hand, the outdoor unit cools the refrigerant first, before transporting it to the secondary units (air handlers) indoors. The two units are connected by electrical cables and metal tubes carrying the refrigerant.

Central Air Conditioning Units

This is a fully ducted system that can either be high velocity or low velocity. It works by extracting warm air from different parts of the house, cools it at a central location before distributing the cooled air through a series of ducts and vents.

The above referenced air conditioner types all have their own benefits and drawbacks, and each is a viable cooling solution. Depending on how your house is set up, each of these may be the best option for your HVAC needs; speaking with one of our expert HVAC technicians and getting the big picture of your cooling needs and the setup of your home will  give you the best idea of which type of air conditioner will work best for you.

To find out which system is best suited for your home, contact us at Cool Breeze Comfort Solutions today:

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How Do Power Surges Affect Your HVAC System And Home Electronics?

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The number of high-tech electronic items and appliances for the average home has increased in the last several years. Years ago, surge protection was seen or considered useful only if you had a big-screen television setup at home. Today, electronic products and large appliances, including the home phone, dishwasher and also the HVAC system have a great amount of power going to them.

Power surges could be caused by a variety of things from lightning strikes to power grid issues. These surges could be extremely harmful to your electronics, appliances and HVAC unit. In fact, even one power surge could cause irreversible damage to electronic systems and their sensitive components.

The Problem With HVAC Systems And Power Surges

How Power Surges Affect HVAC System & Home Electronics - CoolBreezCSBefore, HVAC systems were primarily mechanical in there functioning, with very few electronic components. Things have changed, especially with newer and higher efficiency models. The issue with a power surge is that you don’t have a way to tell how much damage it will cause to your system if and when it happens.

Large power surges could be very devastating, many times leading to immediate failure. In a majority of cases, power surge-damaged HVAC units have to be replaced and cannot be repaired.

While some units may withstand a power surge and continue to work like before, there could be hidden damages. Over time, this hidden issue could compromise the unit’s efficiency and lead to premature failure. This is certainly not good news, especially with something that’s as vital and expensive as your HVAC system.

HVAC Surge Protection

While you cannot really do anything to prevent power surges from occurring, there are some things that could be done to safeguard your HVAC system and other valuable home electronics. It is recommended that you install an entire-home power surge protection for your HVAC at the primary breaker box to help protect your unit from damage.

For other electronic systems, buying individual surge protectors and using those at every outlet is recommended.

If You Have Additional Questions And/Or Are Interested In Protecting Your HVAC Investment, Call Us Now!

Heating And Cooling Tips For Arizona Homes

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Heating And Cooling Tips For AZ Homes - CoolBreezeCS.comWhen the heat of the summer comes rolling in, you don’t want to find yourself in Arizona relying on HVAC systems that just aren’t up to par with fighting the weather. The summer heat can be grueling, but our professionals at Cool Breeze Comfort Solution are here to make sure your system can handle the inevitable onslaught of high temperatures that come with each and every summer. These heating and cooling tips will help you keep your HVAC system working optimally. Continue reading

Do I Need Home Surge Protection For My HVAC System?

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At one time, home surge protection was only associated with computers or big-screen television sets. Now, as technology has become more sophisticated and our level of comfort has grown with it, we are surrounded by devices using printed circuit boards in our homes much more often.

Our home phones and even our HVAC systems fall into this category now. They can be vulnerable to a power surge caused by an issue with the power grid or a lightning strike. These surges can be devastating, since even a small surge has the potential to cause irreparable damage to sensitive electronic components.

Power Surges And Damage To HVAC Systems

Do I Need Home Surge Protection For My HVAC System - Cool Breeze ACAt one point HVAC systems had very few electronic parts, and were mostly mechanical in nature. Modern, higher efficiency systems are designed differently, though. The issue with newer models is that when a power surge hits, you have no way of determining how much damage one of them will do to your equipment.

Large surges can cause immediate failure to your HVAC unit and extensive damage that is difficult to repair. In a number of cases, damage caused by a power surge means that the HVAC unit must be replaced, instead of being repaired.

Even if your HVAC unit survives a power surge and appears to be working just fine, there may be hidden damage. Over time, this damage may lead to premature failure. This is not a result you want to see happen to an investment you have made in your HVAC system.

What You Can Do To Protect Your HVAC System

Even though you cannot stop power surges from occurring, there are steps you can take to protect your HVAC system and other appliances in your home from becoming damaged.

  • Have a whole-home surge protector installed at the main breaker box to prevent excess power from being a problem for items tied into the power line, rather than an outlet.
  • Buy individual surge protectors and using them at each outlet where you have electronic equipment plugged in.

We are your local heating and air conditioner experts in the Tucson, AZ area and we can assess your system to determine its level of protection.

We are your local heating and air conditioner experts in the Tucson, AZ area and we can assess your system to determine its level of protection.

If you still have concerns about surge protection and your HVAC system, call Cool Breeze Comfort Solutions now!

Why HVAC Maintenance Is Important

If you have made the decision to invest in an HVAC system, it makes sense that you should also take the time and effort to maintain it properly after installation. You expect that your system will last for a number of years, and if you are going to get the maximum life out of it, you will need to invest in proper HVAC maintenance.

Benefits Of Regular HVAC Maintenance

Better Air Quality

Benefits Of Regular HVAC Maintenance - Cool Breeze Arizona

Keeping your HVAC system maintained regularly will not only keep your home comfortable in winter months and cool during the summer but it will also ensure a better air quality environment inside your home.

Making sure that your air filter and coils are clean means that all members of your family will have healthier air to breathe. If anyone in your family suffers from asthma or allergies, they will benefit substantially from the improved air quality.

Lower Energy Costs

If your unit is running efficiently, you will be spending less money on your utility costs. Scheduling regular HVAC maintenance checks is a good way to catch issues with your system early, before they turn into bigger and more expensive problems to fix.

Fewer Emergency Repairs

Most HVAC systems need some emergency repairs from time to time. A well-maintained unit is less likely to fail during the peak seasons of operation (June-September and December-March). Making a point of keeping up to date with regular inspections will help to ensure that your system is running well and will lower the likelihood of needing an emergency service call.

Warranty Available

If you run into a problem with a part that was replaced in a regular maintenance check, it may be covered under a warranty. You’ll want to keep a list of all work performed on your HVAC system, as well as the date it was performed. A faulty part can often be replaced at no cost.

Longer System Life

A well-maintained system will be able to function well and last longer than one that has not been as well cared for over the years. By scheduling regular maintenance checks, a system can last for well over 10 years. The HVAC system is an investment in your home, and it makes sense to keep it running well as long as possible.

Cool Breeze Comfort Solutions is proud to be the leading HVAC dealer in Tucson! We offer amazing Maintenance Program Membership Benefits!

Call Us Now To Learn More!

Will An Air Conditioner With A Higher BTU Cool My Room Faster?

If you want to maintain the right temperature in a particular room, it is important to choose the right room air conditioner for your home. You need to consider the size of the room and its purpose before making your decision to buy an air conditioning unit.

What BTU’s Have To Do With Properly Cooling Your Room

It’s important to match the room size to the BTU rating so that the air conditioner will be able to cool the room properly.

BTU: British Thermal Unit

Will an Air Conditioner Higher BTU Cool my Room Faster - CoolBreezeCSBefore you can make a decision about an air conditioner for a particular room in your home, you will need to know more about BTUs (British Thermal Units). A BTU is an international measure of energy that is used to describe the amount of heat needed to raise one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit.

In the heating and cooling industry, BTUs are used to measure the amount of heat that an air conditioning unit can remove from a room per hour. As the BTU rating on a particular unit increases, the size, weight and cost also goes up.

Recommended BTU By Room Size

If you are looking for an air conditioner for a room measuring say 10’ x 15’ (150 square feet), the recommended BTU range is up to 5400. If your room is 10’x 20’ (200 square feet), you’d need to look at a 6,000 BTU unit. Once you get into 340 and 400 square feet per room, you’d need an 8,000 or 9,000 BTU air conditioner, respectively.

Kitchens need more cooling power, since you’ll be operating the oven, which adds heat to the room. Add an additional 4000 BTU to the recommended size for an air conditioning unit in your kitchen.

High ceilings or unusual floor plans also require additional cooling power, which means you should plan for another 10 percent above the standard BTU level. Living in a warmer climate also means you need to add on between 10-20 percent more BTUs per room.

Air Conditioner Size And Cooling Ability

So you’re still wondering if an air conditioner with a higher BTU will cool your room faster, right? Read on:

If your air conditioner has a bigger BTU rating than the room size needs, it will cycle off too quickly, waste energy, and will not adequately dehumidify the space. So a higher BTU than needed is definitely not recommended.

Installing an air conditioner that is too small for the space is also not recommended, since it will run continuously. It will not be powerful enough to cool the space adequately.

Turn To The Air Conditioning Experts!

Whether you need to better cool just one or two rooms or your entire home, our air conditioning experts are here for you!

Cool Breeze Comfort Solutions is Tucson’s and White Mountain Region’s leading air conditioner experts. We can advise you about the right size unit for your home and provide expert installation and maintenance services!

Experience The Cool Breeze Comfort Solutions Difference – Call Us Now!

3 Interesting And Helpful FAQs About Your Heater

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When your home’s furnace is working properly, you may not give it much thought. However, when it is not performing efficiently or has stopped working, your heating system is brought to the forefront of your attention. Check out the answers to these interesting and helpful FAQs to learn about your heating system.

FAQs About Your Heater

1. Why Does My Heater Keep Shutting Off?

Helpful FAQ's About Your Heater - Cool Breeze Comfort SolutionsIn most cases when your furnace is shutting on and off, it’s due to a problem called short cycling. If it is not diagnosed and corrected promptly, it could not only end up costing you more in heating costs but could lead to permanent damage.

If you notice that your furnace is short cycling, a dirty air filter may be the culprit. If the filter hasn’t been cleaned or changed recently, warm air cannot pass through it easily.

You can help prevent this issue by changing the air filter regularly. It should be changed at the start of each season and checked monthly in between changes. Put a reminder on your calendar or electronic device so that you do not forget.

The problem may also be caused by a faulty thermostat. Make sure that it is set to an accurate setting and not too close to another heat source or located in direct sunlight before assuming the heating unit needs to be repaired.

Other causes of short cycling include an improperly sized heating system for your home, a corroded flame sensor, or a foreign object lodged in the air vent or the chimney.

The best recommendation is to schedule a service appointment with one of our licensed technicians to have the issue properly diagnosed and repaired.

2. How Are Heaters Rated?

Furnaces, water heaters and boilers are rated using a thermal energy efficiency measure called Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE). It is pronounced “A-FEW”. The higher the AFUE rating, the more efficient the heat-producing unit will be.

In the case of a natural gas furnace or boiler, typical AFUE numbers would be as follows:

  • Conventional: 55-65%
  • Mid-efficiency: 78-84%
  • Condensing: 90-97%

3. Can I Use An Extension Cord With My Space Heater?

If you are using an electric space heater, you should never use an extension cord to plug it into a power source. Doing so puts you at risk for causing a house fire due to the extra wattage that they carry and the amount of amperage that they use.

You can use a space heater in your home as long as you plug it into a separate outlet on your wall. If the fuse blows or the circuit breaker trips on the circuit that you are plugged into, unplug the heater and try another circuit.

A Leading HVAC Installation And Service Company

Cool Breeze Comfort Solutions is a leading HVAC and plumbing installation and service company. We are your local home heating experts and offer annual cleaning and maintenance check-ups, repairs, as well as new furnace and heat pump installations.

Call Us Now To Schedule An Appointment!

Preparing Your AC for Winter

140376700As the weather starts to cool down, it is important to get your air conditioner service to ensure that it is ready for winter. Not only can this save you money and prevent future repairs, but it also means that your air conditioner will be ready to use when the summer rolls around again. Keep reading to find out how to prepare your unit.

Inspect the System
The professional air conditioner service people can come to your home to inspect every part of your unit. If they see any areas that need repairs, they can make them right away instead of allowing them to get worse until you need to spend a lot of money for a major fix. They can also clean the coils and other areas that might have buildup.

Clean the Filters
It is important to clean your air conditioner filters regularly to ensure that the air can move through them properly. Cleaning and changing the filters every few months helps you enjoy optimal function and efficiency from your air conditioner.

Keep the Area Around the Unit Clear
Even if you do not use the air conditioner during the winter, it is still important to keep it clear. Try to clean out any debris or leaves that might surround the unit. If you do not keep it clean, some of these materials could find their way inside the unit and cause problems when you start to use it again. Try to leave about 2-3 feet of space around the air conditioner so it stays clean throughout the winter.

Cool Breeze Comfort Solutions is Tucson’s top air conditioner repair and service center. We can install, service, and maintain your air conditioner to ensure that you get the most use out of it. We also handle salt-free filtration, home heating, and indoor air quality services. To learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment, visit us online or call 520-495-2227.

The Environmental Benefits of Solar Air Conditioners

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486883413Air conditioning plays a vital role in your health and comfort during the hot summer months in Tucson. While traditional air conditioning units rely solely on electricity to provide cooling, solar air conditioners can reduce or even eliminate the need for electricity altogether. Solar air conditioners are available as both hybrid systems and completely solar-powered absorption chillers, the latter of which can be run without the need for outside power at all. Choosing a solar-powered air conditioning system offers many benefits, both in terms of your finances and your environmental impact.

Reduced Electricity Consumption
The main benefit of a solar air conditioner is its reduced demand for electricity. Current estimates state that as much as five percent of all electricity produced in the United States is used for cooling, which releases 140 million tons of carbon dioxide into the air. Whether you choose a hybrid air conditioning system or a solar-powered chiller, these units’ lower demand for non-renewable energy automatically translates into a smaller carbon footprint. In most cases, electricity is generated via the consumption of non-renewable resources, also releasing carbon dioxide and other contaminants into the air. Thus, a reduced or eliminated dependence on this type of energy holds many valuable benefits for the environment, including the conservation of natural resources and a smaller impact on climate change.

Less Material Consumption
The use of solar air conditioners can also reduce the amount of material required to make and maintain your air conditioner. If your home already utilizes solar panels for water heating purposes, you can use these same solar panels to power your solar air conditioner. Because solar air conditioners utilize fewer materials and moving parts, they are also more cost-effective and environmentally-friendly to maintain over the long term.

If you’re interested in installing a hybrid or solar-powered air conditioner in Tucson, Cool Breeze Comfort Solutions can help you save money and contribute to a healthier environment. We invite you to visit our website for more details or to check out our current promotions. Call 520-495-2227 to schedule air conditioning service today.

Designing a Connoisseur’s Wine Cellar

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137158861If you love wine, you can easily create the ideal environment for your most valuable bottles in your own home. Keep reading for some tips on designing a connoisseur’s wine cellar in your house.

Get the Temperature Right
One of the most important aspects of a wine cellar is the temperature control. Wine experts have found that cellars should ideally be between 55 and 58 degrees Fahrenheit to keep each bottle at its best. The room should also have a humidity level between 55 and 75 percent. This amount of moisture helps prevent mold growth and evaporation, and keeps the labels in their original condition. Maintaining a steady temperature prevents environmental factors from decreasing the quality of the wine so you can always enjoy the perfect bottle.

Include Enough Storage
When designing your own wine cellar, you should plan for future growth. Be sure to include plenty of wine storage that can accommodate your impressive collection. You might want to include a few different storage methods like racks, bulk storage, and display shelves to create an interesting visual effect with your bottles. When you utilize the best storage, it helps you optimize your connoisseur’s wine cellar options.

Find the Right Lighting
The way you light the room can change its mood and help you navigate the different bottles to find what you want. Add some ambiance with mood lighting that gives your wine cellar a unique aesthetic effect. You should also avoid incandescent lights, which could increase the temperature of the room. Stick to LED light to get the best function without affecting the temperature.

Cool Breeze Comfort Solutions can help you build your ideal connoisseur’s wine cellar in your Tucson home. Our air conditioning experts are here with temperature and humidity control options that help you create the ideal storage for all of your wine. We can also help you perfect the temperature in the rest of the home with our air conditioner and heating services. To learn more, call 520-495-2227.